30 Stories in 30 Days
September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. For the next 4 weeks, we will post stories written by thyroid cancer survivors, caregivers and friends for our 30 Stories in 30 Days campaign. We hope their perspectives and insight will help others along their journey.
I was diagnosed with papillary carcinoma stage 2 thyroid cancer in 2010. The feelings I have about having had thyroid cancer are mixed. It’s made me stronger, but at the same time, I struggle with daily side effects of not having my thyroid. It will be 8 years in November that I’ve been cancer-free so I do have a lot of hope. Hope is what keeps me going through all my daily battles with this terrible disease. Life gives me hope, love gives me hope, friends and family give me hope, and sharing my story also gives me hope. The hope that I can help others that have gone who are dealing with the same thing. My one piece of advice for someone finding out they have thyroid cancer is to stay true to yourself and remain positive. Don’t let this damper your light. You got this.