30 Stories in 30 Days
September is Thyroid Cancer Awareness Month. For the next 4 weeks, we will post stories written by thyroid cancer survivors, caregivers and friends for our 30 Stories in 30 Days campaign. We hope their perspectives and insight will help others along their journey.
The Thyroid Care Collaborative has a lot to offer physicians, and it is fascinating to see the things they use most often. Because the system assists with patient care, clinical decisions and with research, no doctor uses all of the TCC all of the time. But there are some parts they use a lot, and one of those is the video playlist feature.
Featuring 40 videos covering a wide range of topics of specific interest to patients, the playlist feature allows the doctor to engage each patient in an individual way. The doctor most frequently looks at a paper list of the videos and circles the ones the patient should see. The paper is then entered into the TCC by office staff and the patient is invited by email to join the system.
Once the patient is home, they can log into the system on their device of choice and watch the videos that are pertinent to their particular needs. They have access to all the videos (as well as much more content) but the video playlist was designed by their doctor with them in mind.
This feature gets used a lot because giving their patients the opportunity to take in the information from the comfort of their home, as well as being able to watch the videos more than once is important to TCC doctors. Anything that can empower patients to ask informed questions when they visit their doctor is a good thing, and the TCC videos have proven to be something that can do just that.