In keeping with this month’s theme, we chose to highlight a few women in science and medicine who inspire us. They have made strides in their respective fields of endocrinology, oncology, pathology and surgery. The influence of their contributions in the treatment, prevention and detection of cancer will no doubt continue for many years to come.
Dr. Tessa Hadlock has focused her career on making quality of life better for head and neck cancer patients who suffer from facial palsy, by attempting to restore facial movement and function. Facial palsy is weakness or paralysis of the muscles of the face. Read more about Dr. Hadlock
Margaret Brandwein-Weber, MD and her team are combining the fields of pathology, oncology, and machine learning to generate an intelligent, automatic interface which will recognize and improve the classification of different cancers from digitized pathology slides. Read more about Dr. Brandwein-Weber
Dr. Lisa Orloff’s work—understanding and expanding the role of ultrasound within the multidisciplinary management of endocrine head and neck disease—has transformed the manner in which patients with thyroid and parathyroid disorders are evaluated and cared for. Read more about Dr. Orloff
Important Days in March
March 8th
International Women’s Day
Friday, March 8th is the day we call on everyone to help forge a better working world—a more inclusive, gender-equal world. #beboldforchange #internationalwomensday
March 30th
National Doctor’s Day
A day to show your appreciation to your doctor or your care team. #nationaldoctorday #doctorsday