I received multiple scans and X-rays, but was told that they were all normal. However, my symptoms continued, and soon, squamous cell cancer was discovered in my maxillary sinus. I then had to undergo a maxillectomy and receive radiation therapy.
After my treatment, I had to wear a mouth prosthesis, because my palate had been surgically removed. The prosthesis had to be taken out and cleaned every day. This also required me to become accustomed to a new approach to eating. After this initial adjustment, every aspect of my recovery became part of my routine. Now, I no longer feel that this interferes with the normalcy of my daily activities.
Throughout all of this… I feel incredibly lucky. I have been able to watch my grandson and granddaughter graduate
Going through treatment restored my confidence in the medical system. From the doctors, to the technicians, to the people who work at the registration desks, all the staff gave patients support in such an impressive way. Everyone I encountered was considerate, not one person made me lose hope for a positive outcome. There is a certain gentleness in the way that patient care is extended. Even now, two years after my treatment began, I still look forward to seeing everyone’s smiling faces during my routine follow up appointments.
Throughout all of this, my family gave me a great deal of encouragement. My daughters helped me find my surgeon, they helped take me to appointments and they were a constant support. I feel incredibly lucky. I have been able to watch my grandson and granddaughter graduate from Columbia University and Oberlin Conservatory. During my recovery, I was able to hear such great news about my family. My grandson started a new company in California with his childhood best friend. My granddaughter led a quintet on a cruise ship that sailed around Australia and New Zealand. And in a year and a half, I will be able to see my grandson marry his fiancé. I feel so fortunate to be able to experience all of this. Who could be luckier?
Will You Share Your Journey?
April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. As part of that theme, we post stories written by oral cancer survivors, caregivers and medical professionals for our 30 Stories in 30 Days™ campaign. The insights they share can help others along their journey.