The Bickfords are doing a Spooky 5K so you don’t have to!

That’s right, you read that correctly. The Bickfords are doing the NY Runs Haunted 5K on Roosevelt Island on Sunday, October 29th to support the THANC (Thyroid Head and Neck Cancer) Foundation.
The Bickfords LOVE Halloween and we LOVE the THANC Foundation, but running not so much…so we’ll mostly walk – Craig may even saunter.
But even though the only marathons we do usually involve a remote and blankets, we are giving up our Sunday morning of staying home doing nothing (with cats) because we really care about the THANC Foundation and all that they do to support research and education in the early detection and treatment of thyroid and head and neck cancer, and their mission to alleviate the suffering of patients who undergo treatment.
Please support us! You don’t even have to move… I mean you are already holding your phone or tablet, aren’t you? This is the perfect opportunity to do next to nothing and feel down right philanthropic. Seriously, please give what you can and share this to support us.
Your donation to THANC will be 100% tax deductible so you can even write it off!
Julie Chandler
$50 -
Mary Jane Richards
$25 -
Theresa Huck
$25 -
Jennifer Melzer
$15 -
Jennifer Martinelli
$25 -
Cathy Lazarus
$50 -
$100 -
Mary & Paul Clough
$50 -
Jason & Kara Lopp
$50 -
Mike and Suzie Lynch