He examined me, took out the implant, and sent me home. I hoped that would solve my problems, but the pain just would not go away. At that point, I was pretty displeased with my surgeon, so I went to see someone else.
My new doctor did a more thorough examination of the painful area of my gums and took a biopsy. When the results came back, he told me I had cancer. Right away, he sent me to a head and neck surgeon that he knew well and trusted. I went in to see this surgeon, and within a few hours of my exam, I was already having imaging scans and a biopsy. When I went back upstairs after all of the tests, the doctor confirmed what I already knew: I had cancer. He was extremely knowledgeable and efficient, and made me feel like I was in great hands. Another few hours later, I had a surgery scheduled, and then within 2 weeks, I was having surgery.
The surgery was a complete success, and my doctor was very pleased with the results. Since then, I’ve gone in to see him for a follow-up every few months, and he continues to amaze me with his knowledge, expertise, and kind demeanor. I have some more imaging scans coming up in the future, and it feels good to know I will be well taken care of.

Will You Share Your Journey?
April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month. As part of that theme, we post stories written by oral cancer survivors, caregivers and medical professionals for our 30 Stories in 30 Days™ campaign. The insights they share can help others along their journey.
I am so grateful to have been in his hands throughout this process. One piece of advice I would give to people going through something similar is to make sure you have the right doctor. At first, I got a second opinion (as most people do), but he came up with the same treatment plan, so I knew I was on the right track. I went with the first doctor I had seen because I trusted the oral surgeon who had sent me to him, so I knew he must be good. Also, I liked him, and I trusted him. I knew he would take care of business, and that’s what was really important.